Hetman Sahaidachniy, Turkish warships conduct PASSEX exercise

Ships from the Ukrainian and Turkish Navies have conducted a bilateral passing exercise (PASSEX) in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the press center of the command of the Ukrainian Navy has reported.

"The main goal of the event was to develop interaction in the composition of multinational tactical connections and joint actions in a group of surface ships in line with NATO standards, raising the level of interoperability of units," the report reads.

The Ukrainian side was represented by the Hetman Sahaidachniy frigate and a Ka-27PR helicopter, whereas the Turkish side brought the TCG Buyukada (F-512) corvette and the TCG Salihreis (F-246) frigate. The event took place in several stages, during which tactical maneuvers, communication and air defense exercises were worked out. In addition, the Ka-27PR helicopter landed more than 20 times on the Hetman Sahaidachniy.
