Ukraine-U.S. Rapid Trident 2017 military exercises kick off in Lviv region

The official opening ceremony of the Rapid Trident 2017 Ukrainian-U.S. command and staff exercises has been held at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center of the Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Academy of the Land Forces of Ukraine in Lviv region.

"An unprecedented number of participants – about 2,500 soldiers from 15 countries of the world – will take part in the military maneuvers this year. Apart from Ukraine and the United States, the troops from Canada, Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland , Romania, Turkey and the United Kingdom are involved in the military exercises," the press service of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine reports.

The US and Canada have sent the largest foreign contingents to participate in the Rapid Trident 2017 drills, a total of about 500 people. Over a thousand service people represent Ukraine.

The Ukrainian army team from the LITPOLUKRBRIG, a multinational Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade established in 2014, is also involved in the command-and-staff phase of the exercises.

The Rapid Trident 2017 military exercises will be held for two weeks. The troops will improve their tactical knowledge and skills in the course of patrolling, convoying, countering improvised explosive devices, etc.
