Special Transport Service demines more than 1,400 hectares of territory in week

Over the past week, units of the State Special Transport Service of the Ministry of Defense have demined 1428.29 hectares of land and eliminated 1,374 explosive devices in three regions.

The service reported this on Facebook, according to Ukrinform.

In particular, 1,139 explosive objects were seized and defused by the State Transport Special Service in the Kharkiv region, 143 in the Kherson region, and 92 in the Mykolaiv region.

Over the past week, the area of 1394.36 hectares was cleared of mines in the Kherson region, 12.46 hectares in the Mykolaiv region, and 21.47 hectares in the Kharkiv region.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the State Transport Special Service units have discovered, seized, and neutralized a total of 99,671 explosive devices and cleared (inspected) an area of 53,944.40 hectares.

Read also: Only one-tenth of Ukraine’s forests requiring inspection demined

During the full-scale war, the service's sappers cleared 21.66 hectares of water, 804.84 km of highways, 2,293.68 km of railroad tracks, 435.86 km of power lines, and 36.75 km of gas pipelines from explosive devices.

As reported, since the beginning of the large-scale Russian invasion, as of the end of December, 277 people, including 14 children, have been killed in Ukraine as a result of mines explosions or explosive devices.