Special Operations Forces neutralize group of Russian military near Avdiivka


Soldiers of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine detected and neutralized a group of Russian military who were trying to conduct reconnaissance in the area near Avdiivka, in the Donetsk region.

The command of the Special Operations Forces reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reported.

Reportedly, in the Avdiivka direction, the Russian invaders are continuing their attempts to advance.

Operators of the 8th Separate Special Forces Brigade, who are performing tasks in the area, note that every night the Russians attack along the same route.

The operators of the 8th Separate Special Forces Brigade detected an enemy group of five people using a reconnaissance drone with a thermal imaging device during night surveillance in their area of responsibility.

Read also: Russians massively shell Avdiivka on Thursday morning

The soldiers opened fire on the invaders with a mortar. As a result of the fire, three Russian servicemen were killed and two more were wounded.

As reported, as of January 15, the Ukrainian Defense Forces have killed a total of about 370,980 Russian invaders.